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Parche Age of Empires Free And Play!

Parche Age of Empires
screenshot of Parche Age of Empires 1.0c, or Parche Age of Empires 1.0c old version
Usia Empires adalah permainan yang perlu diperkenalkan lagi karena merupakan salah satu permainan yang paling terkenal dan populer di seluruh dunia, dengan jutaan pengguna yang memainkannya setiap hari dan setelah diperoleh beberapa tahun judul klasik antara klasik.

Tapi meskipun ketenaran yang tidak proporsional sebagai game asli memiliki beberapa kesalahan kecil dan inkonsistensi yang adalah apa obat patch ini, yang merupakan upgrade patch untuk menambah Abad game terkenal of Empires untuk memperbaiki kesalahan masa lalu termasuk perbaikan umum untuk permainan, pengoperasian keyboard baik dan kecepatan dari permainan yang meningkat sebesar 15% dan efektivitas yang lebih besar pada umumnya.

Jadi menikmati Age of Empires Anda lebih dan Anda mendapatkan kinerja yang lebih.

Ages of Empires is a game that needs no introduction as it is one of the most famous and popular games around the world, with millions of users who play it every day and having acquired a few years the title of classic among classics.

But despite disproportionate fame as the original game has some minor errors and inconsistencies which is what remedy this patch, which is an upgrade patch to add to the famous game Ages of Empires to repair past mistakes including general improvements to the game, operability of both keyboard and speed of the game which increases by 15% and greater effectiveness in general.

So enjoy your Age of Empires much more and you get more performance.

921 Kb.

Free Download Sky Fight & Play!

Sky Fight 
Membuat daging Anda sendiri dalam kekuasaan dan realisme dari lingkungan pertempuran simulator udara yang luar biasa dengan grafis 3D graphics.The hanya sangat baik, dan model pesawat terbang dan pesawat yang jauh dicapai.

Gameplay sangat adiktif dan Sky permainan sistem Memerangi Anda menangkap sejak pertandingan pertama, dan selamanya mengubah persepsi Anda tentang apa yang harus menjadi simulator.Choose penerbangan dari sisi Jerman atau sisi sekutu, dan bersiap-siap untuk berperang.

Tahapan ini cukup bervariasi dan mencakup periode pelatihan, kampanye dan action.Face Zeppelin raksasa di setengah langit, atau target serangan darat militer berbagai, dan mengarah ke sisi Anda untuk kemenangan di Sky Perjuangan.

Make your own meat in the power and realism of this incredible simulator fighting air environment with 3D graphics.The graphics are simply excellent, and model airplanes and aircraft are far achieved.

The highly addictive gameplay and game system Sky Fight you catch since the first game, and forever change your perception of what should be a flight simulator.Choose from the German side or the allied side, and get ready for battle.

The stages are quite varied and include periods of training, campaigns and action.Face the giant Zeppelin in half the sky, or military ground attack various targets, and leads to your side to victory in Fight Sky.

*Provisionally, the description of this program has been directly taken from an external spanish translator, non-related to We are working hard in order to personally translate every single description properly, as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience.

13.520 Kb.

Bus Driver Free And Play!

 Bus Driver
screenshot of Bus Driver, or Bus Driver old version
Apakah Anda pernah bermimpi menjadi sopir bus? Jika jawabannya adalah ya, kami yakin bahwa driver Bus akan menjadi permainan favorit Anda karena 'pertama game.You harus mendapatkan perintah dari bus nyata, sesuai dengan jadwal yang ditetapkan dan berhenti , dan memastikan bahwa penumpang tidak merasa jijik.

Permainan ini cukup bervariasi, dan menempatkan kita pada roda beberapa bus dan berbagai jenis missions.You harus mematuhi tanda-tanda surat jalan dan lampu lalu lintas, bukan untuk menurunkan rute didirikan, dan sopir tidak tiba-tiba untuk menghindari keluhan dari wisatawan.

Dengan semua bahan, menyenangkan adalah guaranteed.In Selain itu, kedua ayat grafis sebagai suara (musik dan efek) perbatasan dengan tingkat yang sangat tinggi, menyelesaikan simulator benar-benar dianjurkan.

* Untuk sementara, deskripsi program ini telah langsung diambil dari seorang penerjemah Spanyol eksternal, tidak terkait untuk Kami bekerja keras untuk menerjemahkan secara pribadi setiap deskripsi tunggal dengan benar, sesegera mungkin. Kami mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan ini.

Have you ever dreamed of being a bus driver?If the answer is yes, we are confident that Bus Driver will become your favorite game since the first game.You'll have to get command of a real bus, comply with established schedules and stops, and ensure that passengers do not feel disgust.

The game is quite varied, and puts us at the wheel of several buses and various types of missions.You will have to comply to the letter road signs and traffic lights, not to lose the route established, and no driver suddenly to avoid complaints from travelers.

With all these ingredients, fun is guaranteed.In addition, both graphic paragraph as the sound (music and effects) border with very high level, completing a simulator truly recommendable.

*Provisionally, the description of this program has been directly taken from an external spanish translator, non-related to We are working hard in order to personally translate every single description properly, as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience.

60.1 MB

RollerCoaster Tycoon Download and Play Free!

RollerCoaster Tycoon

RollerCoaster Tycoon adalah permainan manajemen strategis, di mana Anda harus membangun sebuah taman hiburan dengan atraksi menarik bagi masyarakat dan membuatnya berhasil.

Ini adalah pengiriman baru dari "Tycoon" seri, yang memiliki tujuan yang harus dipenuhi untuk pertumbuhan taman dan juga keuntungan ekonomi. Dalam Tycoon RollerCoaster Anda memiliki alat banyak untuk pembangunan atraksi dan acara yang membuat taman Anda menjadi salah satu daya tarik yang lebih disukai untuk publik. Juga, kinerja Anda memberi Anda kemungkinan peta baru membebaskan dan pilihan permainan.

Ambil Tycoon RollerCoaster dan membangun akses jalan, bank, tempat sampah, tiang lampu, elemen dekoratif, menyewa satpam, mekanik, staf pembersihan dan banyak lagi. Membuat taman Anda populer!

System Requirement :
Operating System: Windows® 98/Me/2000/XP (Windows® XP recommended)
Processor: Pentium® III 733 MHz or compatible (Pentium® 4 1.2 GHz or compatible recommended)
Memory: 128 MB RAM; 256 MB for XP (256 MB; 384 MB for XP recommended)
Hard Disk Space: 600 MB free CD-ROM Drive: 4X CD-ROM or faster (8X or faster recommended)
Video: Any ATI Radeon™ or GeForce™ 2 with 32MB or higher; or other video card with 32MB and hardware T&L (ATI Radeon™ 64 MB SDR or GeForce™ 2 Pro or other video card with 64 MB or more memory and hardware T&L recommended)*
Sound: Windows® 98/Me/2000/XP-compatible 16-bit sound card*
DirectX®: DirectX® version 9 (included) or higher

RollerCoaster Tycoon is a game of strategic management, in which you will have to build an amusement park with interesting attractions for the public and make it successful.

It is a new delivery of the series “Tycoon“, which has goals to be fulfilled as for the growth of the park and also the economic profit. In RollerCoaster Tycoon you have numerous tools for the construction of attractions and events that make your park into one of the preferred attractions for the public. Also, your performance grants you the possibility of liberating new maps and game options.

Download RollerCoaster Tycoon and build access roads, banks, wastebaskets, lampposts, decorative elements, hire security guards, mechanics, cleaning staff and much more. Make your park popular!

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  • Kita pilih berapa domain yang akan kita ambil, lebih baik saya sarankan satu saja! karena kita harus bekerja keras meskipun hanya mengambil 1 domain name gratis .com .net dan .org juga.
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Sign up for account - complete the offer under "Status" after you completed the offer we will credit your account (It may take up to 24 hours to get the credits). Then all you need to do is to spread your refeeral url and get 5 signups to complete the offer as well, your refeeral url looks like:   Your refeeral url can be found under "Status" in your member area.
We get paid by our advertisers every time a offer is completed and use the funds to purchase your memberships. This way we both profit in the end. After you and you refeers have completed the offers, press order in your account then send me a email with the domain(s) you want (Please make sure that the domains is free to register, check it here before sending the email: I register the domain(s) and push to your account and you will have the domain for one year. Then you can complete the offer again and you will have it for another year. You will have full ownership over the domain(s).
The fastest method is to use your referral url like ( ) (which can be found under "status") and to pass this onto friends or family who are interested or willing to help, or to post it in sites and forums that you frequently visit and know people who might be interested.

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